Monday, May 25, 2009

"State of Paralysis" by Paul Krugman

If you click on the link below, you will read Krugman's recent Oped piece from the NY Times, where the main point is a question:

California, it has long been claimed, is where the future happens first. But is that still true? If it is, God help America.

His criticism consist on California's political process and on the Republican party becoming quite the extremists. California, the up till recently (or since the last time I checked) was still ranked the 7th largest economy in the world. What the heck happened? I'm glad to read articles, that are also questioning that same question...but really, people are hurting but not voting..we had a horrible election turn-out.

The link above breaks down the percentage of voters by county. In Orange County, less than 400,000 people voted and the majority of the voters voted NO on the propositions. I'm not sure what the total population is of the county, but I'm sure Anaheim and Santa Ana not combined has more than that number.

Apathy in politics during recession is a bad combination...

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